The Story of Cleopatra

Cleopatra was born in69B.C and committed suicide in the year 30B.C .Cleopatra belonged to the Ptolemy dynasty of Egypt and perhaps was one of the most powerful pharaohs of her time. She was not shy about using her power and always claimed that she was a Goddess Isis herself. Though she ruled Egypt she belonged to Greece as her family migrated many years earlier to Greece. They were called Macedonian Greeks. Cleopatra was the only queen who learnt to read and write in Egyptian and for the first time during her rule Egyptian was used as an official language. In addition to learning the language she embraced the ancient culture and their gods. Cleopatra spoke nine languages and had an irresistible charm that attracted men towards her. Though she was no classic beauty her charm was iconic. Cleopatra was an intellectual and so she could work on equal terms with men and her mastery over so many languages and subjects gave her the upper hand. For more info visit our channel :


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